Red Rooster: Growing Roses

Well, it finally happened... I finally got to read Mitch Breitweiser's Red Rooster, kind of. Red Roster is, as I said in my Allegiance Comics review , the only Indie Crowd Funded Comic Book that I have backed that I have felt that I have been scammed in some way. Its lateness, the mystery shrouded in the Allegiance "Wal-mart deal" and Mitch's lack of openness and communication with his backers over the books status was just a bad look over all. But tonight I finally got the email that I could at least read the digital version, and I would be lying if I said that progression of events didn't add even more fuel to the fire of criticism by many fans on Twitter saying that the Breitweisers "don't seem to know what they are doing". The comic is labeled as a "preview comic" and is only 24 pages which is half of the 48 promised to backers almost two years ago. So not only do we not get to read the full comic book yet but we also get...