
Reviews: Literally and Villains of the Snow Sea

  Fool me once... shame on you. Fool me twice... it's time for a review.  It is time for another Totally Biased comic book review and today I will tackle two titles I have bought digitally off of Comixology: LITERALLY by Ran'DeeSha Diaz and DeGlass and VILLAINS of the SNOW SEA by Ran'DeeSha Diaz and Arxelay. I bought Literally originally after watching a YouTube video off of a channel called  Shi**Y Web Comics or SWC revived. I do not know these persons well but have often encountered their Tweets on Twitter and have seen them as guests on YouTube shows that I do like to follow, like  Doug TenNapels' channel  and on  Tim and Marks' Channel 'The Bunderdome' , so I assume it was one of those channels or from one of their Tweets from off of  their Twitter account Thomas Roiloup  that I became aware of them. It is important for this review, and for the story of how I bought and infamously Tweeted about their first comic  Literally  , that I point out that my me

Titan Mouse of Might Totally Biased Comic book review and thoughts on the new Campaign.

  That's right, it is time for another TOTALLY BIASED comic book review, and today we tackle Gary Shipman's beautifully and wonderfully made comic book TITAN: MOUSE of MIGHT on the first day of its second campaign to raise funds for the sequel.  It's true, the blog is back and in full swing after having to take a back seat while I was doing daily pages for my  Learning how to draw webcomic: WOW POW and BAM!  Hopefully now that I finally have that project finished I can get back to daily blog content again. So with that said- On with the review! Spoiler alert: It's a darn good comic book over all. Gary Shipman was another indie creator I did not know anything about other than a couple of appearances on Mike Miller's  Drawn and Quartered , and I had not backed his campaign for the first   Titan Mouse of Might  on Indiegogo until  Edwin Boyette  endorsed the book after enjoying some preview artwork. I backed the book then on his opinion and I am very glad I did because

Red Rooster Part 2: Mitch Swirls Further Down the Drain.

Add caption Yesterday I got a backer email from Red Rooster's Indiegogo announcing that the second part of the PDF would be emailed to backers that night. I actually got kind of excited,  because as some of you might remember, I enjoyed the art and story of the first PDF  despite some of the problems with lateness and consumer communication with the Breitweisers and their campaign. I joked in a Tweet that a new phrase would rise out of the whole Red Rooster debacle: "Better Late than Red Rooster." The first part of Red Rooster was a big surprise for me personally because even though I had been critical of the Breitweisers and many of the people they associate with,  and I had been vocally critical of the Allegiance Walmart deal and the disappointment many of those books made me feel , I was SHOCKED once I trudged through all of the annoyances of the downloadable comic's DRM to read it and find out that I actually loved the story and the art. But, I am sad to report, p

KAMEN AMERICA: the perfect comic book REVIEW!

It is time for another TOTALLY BIASED comic book review and today I will be reviewing the excellent KAMEN AMERICA by  TIM LIM  and writer  Mark Pellegrini . Kamen America was a pleasant surprise to me and turned out to be one of the best Indie comic books I have bought and read in years. In fact, it turned out to be one of my favorite comic books ever and I am very glad I took a chance on supporting it, after deciding to do so while writing my  Soulfinder  review which was drawn by the same artist, although that book was drawn in a totally different style. Kamen America was originally funded on  KICKSTARTER and I missed out on it the first go around because I assumed that I would not like the book based on the art style. I have notoriously always had a prejudice towards Anime/manga style comic books and more often than not assumed they were not for me. Don't ask me why, but in the past most books using such a style just never clicked for me personally. So that prejudice, along wit

Learning to draw again after quitting 20 years ago: Sketchbook update #2- video and quick thoughts...

So it has been about two months since I did my  first sketchbook video and  BLOG POST about my attempt to try and relearn drawing after being frustrated and tired and quitting around twenty years ago. Things have , as I am sure you can imagine, been up and down since then. I've made some improvements and also hit my own share of roadblocks, but for the most part I feel I have been improving and having fun. I just thought I would make a quick blog post and share the new sketchbook video and a couple of scans of drawings. I recommend  clicking on the video and watching it on YouTube instead of embedded because I have not figured out how to make it a proper viewing size in the blog yet. 😀 I mentioned drawing a comic for the blog in my last sketchbook update and as you can see in the video I did do about five pages. The original plan was to do the comic as a training exercise and to also show off the plot for a very original idea I had for a book. I wanted to at

The Napalm Brothers: REVIEW

Another day and another Totally Biased Comic Book review! Today I will be reviewing "The Napalm Brothers" by  Six Combat Scale ! Sorry I do not know his real name, and the book did not have a credits page that I could find, so I will have to use his Twitter handle. I backed The Napalm Brothers on  IndieGoGo  where I got a printed version of the book, and a no-drm PDF copy for just 10$, and that included shipping! I thought for such a reasonable price, and knowing that the book was already finished and would ship very soon, that I did not have much to lose taking a risk and backing the project. This IndideGoGo raised just over 1800$ on 131 individual backers. I really liked and totally respect this business model and hope to see more creators going the route of offering a book that they have at least completed the artwork, coloring, lettering and such and have the book ready to go to the printers. It is better for all involved and I believe brings about more trust fr